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The McKenzie County Cowboy Association welcomes you to the first rodeo in our new Ag Expo Space! We are taking registrations for western vendors who want to set up in the Exhibition Hall inside of the Ag Expo all three rounds of the rodeo finals. There will be a rodeo dance each night in the exhibition hall after the rodeos as well as Western Art Show and Cowboy Poetry show on Saturday.

The purpose of this event is to celebrate North Dakota western heritage and art and provide an opportunity for vendors to sell their work. 

EVENT TIME AND SETUP:  Watch for more information on set up time and details. Details for parking and unloading your supplies will be provided closer to the event.

A $250 booth fee is be required to secure a 10×10 space  (table and two chairs included)

We ask that all vendors be available for sales and at your booth on Friday evening from 6 - 8 pm (or longer if you choose) and from 11 am - 9 pm (or later if you choose) on Saturday. 

Please fill out the form below or call or email Jessie with any questions. 701-770-8659 or
*booth space is secure upon payment*

Rodeo Vendor Registration

Sign up by completing the form below.

Thanks for registering!

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